Tuesday, November 24, 2009

'Jon & Kate' the Finale...Finally!

I mumbled to my wife, “Well, tonight's “Jon& Kate Plus Eight” is absolutely, positively, the final episode.”
Her reply? “Good.” Then we watched the show, and at the end I looked over and she was wiping tears away, just as Kate was doing the same during her final “couch interview.” elated Stories
Kate had just repeated for about the umpteenth time during the episode phrases like “it didn't have to end,” and “I feel like its being taken away from me and the kids,” and “it's too soon for the show to end.”
Then they showed a montage of clips ranging from Kate's grotesquely large stomach when she was pregnant with the sextuplets, to the babies in their cribs, to her and Jon playing with the kids during much happier times.
And I turned to my wife and remarked, “yeah, but the show really had to end after the fiasco of the past year.”
She then replied, “well, when you write about it, try not to be too sarcastic.”
Being an obedient husband, I will try to be nice, but it's difficult. Very difficult.
Again I have to mention, as I did last week, that Jon and TLC are involved in back and forth law suits, and it is obvious that the show's producers are doing everything possible to portray Kate as the innocent victim and Jon as the villain.
Last night the episode titled “It's a Crazy Life, but It's Our Life,” started off with a close up of the sign Jon posted on the gate of their estate saying that the TLC crew was now banned from shooting any more footage on their property; therefore pointing out that it's Jon's fault that the show is ending.
For the past month, “J&K” episodes have focused on poor Kate sitting on the interview couch, telling her side of the story, answering viewers' questions, and commenting on the viewers' choices of their favorite moments.
Last night Jon finally was given a chance to talk, and his interview was edited down to a minute or two, in which he “confessed” his sins. While Kate was perfectly coiffed and dressed, Jon looked somewhat disheveled, and while listening to his acceptance of blame, I was reminded of videotapes of American prisoners in Iraq being forced to confess while hooded figures loomed in the background threatening to behead them.
Jon stated while wringing his hands “I think I became more educated about myself and what I've learned the past couple months about myself. I always looked for blame and I never really took blame and now I'm taking blame. I can own up to it, I gotta stop being a kid; I gotta grow up and be a man.”
Jon then related that he had gotten married at 22 and when he was “free” last year he reverted back to being 23 and didn't think about the consequences of his actions. (It was hard to tell if Jon was reading off a teleprompter.)
Following this “confession,” Kate calmly explained “I've been thrown in the same boat with Jon, but I'm in a completely different boat, going in a completely different direction.” Good for you Kate.
So now we get it…everything that happened in the past year was due to Jon's immaturity.
To further belabor the point, Kate went on to say she somewhat distrusted Jon's behavior with the kids. They then cut to a scene in which nine year old Maddy whines “I like stuff we do with Mommy.” Jon then loses it, yells at Maddy and Cara, and punishes them by forbidding them from accompanying the family to the firehouse where they will be setting up a lemonade stand.
Of course we all know that Kate never yells at the kids (oops sorry, I am being sarcastic again).
But the topper of it all was that after Jon and the sextuplets sold lemonade to raise money for local firefighters, Kate questioned his motives and had the nerve to actually ask “Is it a publicity stunt?” Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
The final Gosselin family adventure involved Kate taking just the sextuplets to a neighbor's farm, where everyone had a great time milking cows and playing with kittens. Of course Kate had to point out that that the reason Maddy and Cara did not accompany them was because they were in school, and she would definitely be taking the twins on a separate trip to the neighbor's farm.
Anyway, that was the series finale, and I predict that the next time we see Kate Gosselin she will be starring in her own talk show, probably on TLC. Hey didn't Oprah announce that she will be ending her show in 2011?
And poor Jon will probably wind up on a future episode of “Celebrity Rehab.”

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