Monday, October 5, 2009

A Pret-ty, Pret-ty Good "Curb Your Enthusiasm"

A standard plot line in many movies and television shows is the old “We have to get the gang back together again.”
Whether done with the enthusiasm of an old Andy Hardy movie, or the wackiness of “The Blues Brothers” film, or the coolness of “Ocean's 11,” I always enjoy them.
But when Larry David applies his peculiar and totally absurd take on getting Jerry, Elaine, and Kramer to agree to do a “Seinfeld Reunion Show,” the results were an HBO episode of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” that will go down as one of my all-time favorites on what I have previously stated is my all-time favorite sitcom!
What I find especially appetizing is the fact that this planned reunion show comprises the main gist of a story arc that will cover the entire season of “Curb!”
To recap last night's episode, Larry has always labeled such reunion shows as “pathetic” and “desperate.” But he buckles under NBC's pressure to produce such a show for a reason only Larry's peculiar mind can concoct.
Currently separated from wife Cheryl, Larry determines that he can win her back by putting together the reunion show and casting Cheryl as the divorced wife of George's character, who is desperately trying to win his wife back.
Get it? A Larry David show is like an artichoke, with layers of plot twists piled upon one another, and mixed in with obscure references to past shows.
But first Larry must convince the main cast characters to get on board. While they are all very reluctant, he weasels them into participating by appealing to their egos and pulling out a classic Larry David tactic…lying. He tells each of them that the others are all “chomping” at the bit to participate.
Jason Alexander (George) gives the best reason of all to do a reunion show, to make up for the finale of “Seinfeld” which was a letdown to most people. (Including myself) Of course Larry, who wrote that episode, disagrees.
In his persuasive arguments, Larry suggests plot lines that reference back to previous “Curb” shows. He tell Julie Louis-Dreyfus that her Elaine could cut off a doll's hair, and he tells Michael Richards that Kramer could pick up a hooker in order to use the carpool lane to get to a Dodgers' game.
Of course scattered throughout the show are the usual Larry David battles with people over the size of a tip, diagnosing Susie Greene's lime disease, and the location of a pair of free Lakers' tickets.
In the process he manages to alienate everyone, including the NBC executive who had green-lighted the show.
But in his usual style of offering begrudging apologies and apologies for his apologies, Larry eventually gets everyone back on board, and we are left with the final cliffhanger.
Remember, Larry's whole reason for doing the show is to win back Cheryl by casting her as George's ex-wife. However, much to Larry's consternation, we discover that Jerry has already promised the role to actress Meg Ryan.
And now the fun begins! I personally can't wait for the coming “Curb” episodes. I am sure that they will be pret-ty good, pret-ty, pret-ty good.

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